Finally, I have found enough time to sit down and write this post :D
I arrived in Taipei on Tuesday at 4.30PM. and by the time I finally got into the city, it was almost 7PM. My flight to Taipei (with a stop in Dubai) was alright, I was lucky enough to have an aisle seat, and the food was delicious.
Emirates always offers very luxurious sounding menus |
After I got into the city, I met with two friends who accompanied me to our university. But first I ate a quick dinner at a noodle soup place in Taipei Main Station. That place is amazing! I was too tired to take any photos, but omg so many cute, cheap clothes and lots of comic stuff.
On Day #2 I got a quick breakfast from Family Mart, including this yummy Milk Tea:
It looks like some cosmetic product, right? :D
The rest of the day was spent with getting all the stuff I needed: A phone card, a metro card, etc. It was quite exhausting. The highlight of the day was probably our visit to Daiso, there's so much cute stuff there! I have been to Daiso before, in Korea, but Korea does not even offer half the amount of cute items that Taiwans Daiso has!
And everything is really only 39NTD (ca 1€). I'm just gonna show you what I bought in case you've never been to a Daiso before :D they really have awesome stuff there.
I got a bunch of wire hangars because my closet here is quite small and I can save more space through hanging clothes instead of folding them .

This storage box is awesome for almost anything. And since it's foldable, I can just take it back with me to Germany when I go back.
Because Daiso is a japanese store, they also have lots of japanese snacks there.
This one was really interesting..I have never seen any rose flavoured candy before.
It actually tastes like roses. The texture is kind of weird because it's super soft inside but the outside is kind of powdery tastes really interesting!
It tastes just how roses smell. A bit difficult to explain but if you ever see this candy, try it.
I don't have any scarves but I thought this would be great for hanging tights as well.
I heard about Daisos face pack so often, and only in a positive way so when I saw it I definitely had to try it out. After all, it's only 39NTD.
More storage boxes~
On thursday, i had class for the first time. The teachers tend to speak quite quickly, but i'm able to understand most of it. I met 3 super nice japanese girls and we went to get lunch together afterwards.
We got some noodles at a street stall. Mine were quite simple, with cabbage and minced pork. It only cost me 60NTD, which is about 1,50€.
The view from the campus. |
After afternoon classes ended, somehow our campus ended up looking like this:
I feel like I stepped right into Silent Hill. Maybe this is why apparantly, there are so many horror stories about this university.
In the evening, we went to Ximending.
Ximending is said to be the Harajuku or Hongdae of Taipei...I can't quite agree with that. We went there on Thursday evening and from what I can tell it's nothing like Hongdae. I'd rather compare it to Myeongdong. Lots of shops, lights, a few cafés and many people, including old people and way too many kids running around. Nothing like Hongdae's college vibe with all its street musicians.
Because the bus ride took us over an hour, I was quite tired by the time we got there so we went into a special café to get some coffee.
Their ice-cream coffee was alright, but the interior totally made up for it.
First of all, the benches at the tables were actually swings:
Sooo pretty~
Besides that, the café is actually a plushie store as well :D
It was really difficult to not buy some. They had so many Arpakassos, and a Toothless plushie too. And Baymax!
For dinner, we went to a restaurant chain called Watami. They sell a big~ variety of japanese food, reasonably priced. I really want to try out their sets sometime, 394 NTD (ca 10€) per person is not bad for that amount of food.
We got a delicious mango juice~
And I ordered some simple Soba, since it was quite warm and i needed a refreshment.
They cost me 160NTD (about 3€)
That's it so far ^-^
I bought quite a few items at Etude House here so i'll probably show them to you soon too :D
See you soon~