Today I want to introduce to you the most colourful café in the world:
Kawaii Monster Cafe
This place is exactly like most people who have never been to Japan like to imagine Tokyo as:
Colourful, loud, crazy.
Colourful, loud, crazy.
The cafe only opened last year, yet it attracts so many visitors that you usually need a reservation.
We got lucky, maybe the crowd isn't as big during lunch time?
The visuals were created by Sebastian Masuda, famous for his clothing brand 6% DokiDoki and Kyary PamyuPamyus music videos.
You can imagine what this place looks like.
Now first of all, here's how to get there:
First, get to Jingumae station on the Tokyo Metro line.
Get out of exit 5.
Turn around, there should be a big crossing.
Turn left. On your side (left) there should be Laforet, a huge shopping mall which you can't miss.
On the opposite side of the street, there's another shopping mall . I forgot what it was called, but the Kawaii Monster Cafe is inside , and there should be big banners advertising it on the building.
On the opposite side of the street, there's another shopping mall . I forgot what it was called, but the Kawaii Monster Cafe is inside , and there should be big banners advertising it on the building.
Before you enter, the waitress will reveal the concept of the cafe to you:
You will step inside a monsters belly.
How appetizing.
One thing you need to keep in mind is that this place will not be very cheap.
You have to pay a 500Yen entrance fee.
And each person has to order something to eat.
Time limit is 90 minutes
On some websites, I read that each person has to get a dish and a drink, but I went with another friend and while we did get a meal each, we ordered a drink to share.
One of the waitresses will lead you to a table. There's 4 different areas in the cafe, but I think you can only choose where you want to sit if you reserve a seat beforehand.
One area has lots of baby animal heads and milkbottles on display.
Then there's the bar that's underneath a large Jellyfish, and an area that is filled with tea cups and melting ice-cream. But no one sat there during lunch time, so I guess it's reserved for dinner time, when it's more crowded.
We got seated in an area filled with weird looking plants lips?
This monster sure grows some weird things in his stomach.
This place is so colourful, i didn't really know where to look at first.
The menu looks amazing too.
Prices are not on the cheap side, but the selection looks amazing.

Drinks are 700-900 Yen
Snacks start from 650 Yen upwards
Meals are around 1300
A giant ice-cream parfair will set you back 2,500 (but keep in mind that it's meant to be shared with others).
A giant ice-cream parfair will set you back 2,500 (but keep in mind that it's meant to be shared with others).
I'm not sure if those prices are always the same or if they're lunch prices and it will get more expensive during dinner time.
We ordered a Matcha-Strawberry drink to share, which was quite expensive (around 900 Yen) but so, so worth it. It was delicious and probably the best milkshake-like drink I ever had. Sweet, but still refreshing and a very subtle green tea taste.
My friend ordered the fries, which were around 900 Yen if I remember that correctly.
They look fairly "normal" except for the colourful dippings.
Each colour actually has a different flavour!
I chose the rainbow spaghetti for lunch. They look great, don't they?
They cost 1,300 Yen
They cost 1,300 Yen
The spaghetti themselves do taste the same, but again, the sauce has a different flavour depending on each colour. My favourite was the blue one!
Now this probably sounds a bit weird but please make sure to check out the bathrooms.
They look, so, so cool~
There's bouncy balls underneath the sink!
The main piece of the cafe is a carousel that's right behind the entrance.
Once per hour , the characters that are working at this time will do a small performance and let you take photos with them afterwards. There's 5 different characters working at the cafe, and depending on which time you go, you'll see different ones.
One of the waiters will aslo help you take photos, so don't worry about that.
The exit is on the other side of the restaurant, purposely placed so that you will walk through the gift shop when leaving the restaurant. Most things are quite expensive, but if you're a fan of the artist you will probably like it.
That's it for today~
Did you ever visit the Kawaii Monster Cafe? If not, does it look like a place that you'd like to visit?
Tell me your thoughts in the comments below!
Love, Lydia
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